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Writer's pictureGerry Visca


Download my FREE tool: 'GET CLEAR'

What happens when we 'GET CLEAR' as to why we are really here? Something in our world begins to shift. We either run for the hills like wild Orks or we Face Everything and Rise. I always loved that definition of 'FEAR'.

I created the 'GET CLEAR' tool years ago to help me create the space for the actions that would move my deeper why forward. That's typically the genesis of my publishing projects. It first begins with me. I often write a transformational story or screenplay that I would want to read. It works the same way with these kinds of creative tools.

The magic of 'GET CLEAR' is focusing your energy into a few weekly activities and repeating them over time. For example: Mondays are 'Drive and Dream' days for me where I only focus on 'Big Picture' thinking. I've been doing this consistently for 11 years now whereas Fridays are typically 'Writing Days'. The magic is persistence and discipline.

So, the first objective with the GET CLEAR tool is to 'Theme Out' your days.

Themes are a great way to capture the energy of your creation. I used to do this with my two daughters as it relates to dinner. I loved creating 'Theme Nights' like Fiesta Fridays. It's fun so have fun with it. What kind of themes should you include? I prefer 'Less but Better':

  • Big Picture Thinking

  • Creative Time

  • Research and Development

  • Brand Building

  • Connecting with others

The 'GET CLEAR' tool breaks out your energy into 5 vertical time segments. It's about understanding how your energy flows. Are you more creative in the mornings or late at night? Do you prefer late afternoon meetings or mid morning?

  • Peak Performance (when are you most creative? For me, it's early morning like 5-7am before the world wakes up).

  • Early Morning actions (8 - 10am)

  • Mid Morning actions (10am - noon)

  • Afternoon actions (noon - 5pm)

  • Evening events

The 6 questions that I have included in the 'GET CLEAR' tool should ideally be answered first, before you tackle the weekly planning tool. They also serve as a great point of reference to keep you focused and aligned with what you are creating.

What do I want to accomplish most?

I love this question. It's why I chose to repeat it. It lays the foundation for the actions that your need to take. If I need to accomplish a movie screenplay for instance, I know it will take me 3-5 months. If I need to accomplish a transformational novel, then I know this will take me a year and several months of retreating to conceive the novel.

The way follows the why!

The 'Monthly Milestones' at a glance allows you to BIG PICTURE your significant goals. I typically recommend a quarterly approach. Remember, seasons change and so do you.

GET CLEAR is about Clarity: Getting clear on the who, what, where and why.

GET CLEAR is about Legacy: Getting clear on who you wish to be remembered for.

GET CLEAR is about Energy: Getting clear on where your energy needs to flow.

GET CLEAR is about Attitude: Getting clear on who you wish to become along the journey.

GET CLEAR is about Receiving: Getting clear on your gifts to the world.

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