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It's a question of choice

I’ve often shared that I don’t know what the hell I’m doing but I know why. I know that true change will only come when I decide to take 100% responsibility for all the outcomes in my life.

"Until you decide to change it you cannot change any of it."

So, what is this “it” that you are ready to take responsibility for? Here’s the thing, you’re not alone on this spiritual journey through life. No one is. You entered this world as a glimpse of potential and possibility. Let’s take a deeper dive into “CHOICE”. At the end of the day that’s all we have.

We CHOOSE everything and everyone that has and will ever show up in our brilliant and brief life.

We choose how we respond in any given moment. We either lead every thought and corresponding action with deeper levels of love or we allow the energy of fear to consume us.

When we choose to HEAR what others are saying we listen with the intent to understand their heart. Our role in this universe is to evolve and grow into “complete” human beings. You are a spiritual being experiencing the exquisite gift of life through physical form. When you choose to hear the whisper of your soul you begin to experience the world from a different lens.

Choose the OUTCOMES you wish to experience with your limited time on this earth.

CREATE your own OPPORTUNITIES knowing that you are and always were the creator of your own life.

Choose to live IN-SPIRIT with your higher purpose. When you choose to take responsibility for all it you will inspire yourself to a new level of action.

Choose to SEE everything and everyone as a brilliant unfolding of the universe moving you closer towards the highest realization of your true self.

Choose to EMBRACE your life and everything that comes along with it as the greatest gift you have ever received.

I choose you for I know that the World is Helped by You.

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