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Time for Change...

The leaves of the old willow tree begin to seed.

The goslings flutter about without a care in the world.

The crisp morning breeze greets me with a fragrance of new beginnings... alerting me to the changing of seasons.

Spring is in the air... a divine reminder that everything in life changes and nothing is meant to stay the same.

It doesn't take much effort to notice the miraculous gifts of life. Then again, the simple things are often easy to miss. Spend a few moments in nature (cell phone free) looking up and marveling at God's wondrous canvas. Soak in the colours of the world... allow them to brush the edges of your heart and stir your soul.

The signs of spring are everywhere... nature's wondrous way of reminding us that every moment is a precious gift... an awakening to the beauty that we often take for granted... the gift of life... the one our soul desires to experience.

The changing of seasons is a rare opportunity to embrace the gift of transformation. Perhaps the time has arrived for you to become the change your heart is seeking. Change begins with deeper levels of awareness. What are the unexplored possibilities waiting to take root? When we nourish the actions that whisper to our soul then we plant new seeds of growth and isn't that the nature of life?

We exist in a world of continual evolution, yet it's easy to remain rooted in the past.

Change is like oxygen for the soul... the blood that flows like the river of life.

Begin today with the end in mind... knowing that your time with Mother Earth is brilliant but brief. Choose to notice the gifts of life through a fresh lens.

Look up.

Open your heart.


Release the past.

Notice the signs.

Break free from the routine struggles of life.

Trust in the winds of change.


Allow the miracle of the universe to lift your soul to where it longs to be. Only then do we become one with the miracle of life itself.

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